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From time to time I am asked: if you were an animal, which animal would you be?

My answer is always the same: Elephant!

An Elephant has big ears so he could listen carefully to his surroundings.

An Elephant has a small mouth so he could keep it shut most of the time and by that say only the things needed to be said and not more.... it also helps him listen better...

An Elephant has a big nose so he could smell around and get the scent of things.

An Elephant has a tail to use in order to get rid of disturbing objects...

Although an Elephant is a very big animal, he could choose to be either very strong or very delicate and balanced, and knows when to choose between the two.....

The Elephant appreciates team work and lives in a herd trusting his team mates.


My name is Dani Peled and I consider myself to be a Human Elephant, a soul player and a strategy man who knows how to achieve the needed results, led by visions, missions and values.




Dani  Peled

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